Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pretty Weather

Its definently time for an update. Things are running pretty smoothly. the weather has been SO nice. Yesterday, I spent all afternoon at my brothers house outside running around with the kids, jumping on the trampoline. Seth and Lincoln came over too and my sister Jill's kids came over too and we just ran around acting like litte kids. It felt so good to be carefree and not worrying about anything. I think sometimes we let life get the best of us. Things don't go are way, or we are frustrated with certain things. But life is to be enjoyed not just endured. Latly, I have been frustrated with some things but I have come to realize its life and I can't control it and I am wasting energy worrying about it.

Work is going well. I made 68 dollars saturday which is way good. I didn't work on friday. Seth found someone to work for me so me lincoln and seth went out to dinner and to a movie. it was a lot of fun. I leave for school next month. It is SO crazy. I seriously feel like I was just there. So much has changed in this short year but everything that has changed has really been for the better. I have mixed feelings about this semester because last summer just can not be topped. A lot is going to be different but it is still going to be fun so i am excited.

And of course I have to bring up Ecuador. I miss it. I just read all my entries in my journal from Ecuador and I really wanna go back. The memories are so real i can see them perfectly. But, luckily my sister and brother in law are officially adopting from the orphanage i worked in so im soo excited.

I better get to bed. I'll post some pictures soon.

1 comment:

Super Star said...

i tottaly have to agree the weather WAS awesome
while it lasted. :D